Monday, February 8, 2016

Thunder Tim hits a moon shot

Tucson Old Timers (TOTS)

60-and-over baseball

Thunder Tim Tolson hit a moon shot today at Udall Park.

Well, to be honest, the moon wasn't shining, instead, it was a bright, sunny morning when Thunder Tim Tolson stepped to the plate in the bottom of the sixth inning with Team White trailing Team Blue, 5-4, in a 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers game.

With a runner on base and the wind blowing out to right field, Tolson, a lefty, sent a high fly ball to deep right field.  Right fielder Billy Heiny looked up, raised his right hand, signaling "this ball is out of here" as the ball bounced 10 feet beyond the fence and came to rest at the base of one of the tall, oak trees.

Presto! Team White grabs a 6-5 win.

You might call the home run wind-aided. Usually, Thunder Tim, who hit 13 round-trippers for the TOTS in 2015, doesn't need any additional help when he's at the plate. But, today, the wind took what looked like a foul ball and pushed it fair by more than five feet inside the right field foul pole.

It was a day for lefties. Left-handed pitcher Ron Petersen started the game for Team Blue and was relieved in the third inning by another lefty, Dennis Crowley. Unfortunately for Crowley, it was his "steamy" fastball which Tolson put into orbit.

The TOTS will be back at it on Wednesday.

Photo:  Tim Tolson