Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tucson Aces finish 1-5 at MSBL World Series

2013 Men's Senior Baseball League World Series

60-and-over division

It's all over for the 60-and-over Tucson Aces. A complete learning experience for the newly-formed, first-time ever MSBL team. The Aces lost to the Arizona Scorpions today at the Tempe Diablo Sports Complex. It was their sixth game in four days at the 2013 MSBL World Series and the Aces headed home this afternoon tired, exhausted and looking forward to a few days off from baseball.

Each of the six games lasted nine innings or three hours, which ever comes first. During those four days, the Aces were forced to play two doubleheaders with a skeleton crew of pitchers, still two of the hurlers -- Ron Petersen and Jerry Wessels -- each recorded complete games.

Aces manager Pete Peters hopes to return next year with a larger pitching staff. "We were short on pitching and it showed," Peters said. "The lack of pitching made for a tough tournament."

In 12 months, it'll be time for the 2014 MSBL World Series.

Chances are the Aces will be back to try it again. In fact, Ron Petersen, is already thinking ahead, wanting to set the foundation for a 65-and-over team. "I'd like to manage a 65s team next year. I've enjoyed myself. It's been a real kick participating in the senior World Series."

Petersen played in the 60-and-over division and the 70-and-over division during the month of October. "I'd like to take a shot at all three in 2014 -- the 60s, the 65s and the 70s."

So, if there's some of my readers out there who fit into one, two or three of these categories and love to play the game of baseball, well, get in contact with the Tucson Old Timers (TOTS) at Udall Park (we play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.). Join our local league, get the old leather glove out of the closet and head for the ballpark.

If you have some talent, Mr. Petersen(photo below) just might put you on the right track to stardom and you too, can enjoy the experience of playing baseball in the MSBL World Series.

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