Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where's my shoes?

We all dream. And I assume as each of us travel through our "Golden Years" many of our dreams make little sense and for us old-timers, frankly, we can't remember what we did yesterday, much less the details of a dream we just woke up from.

As for me, when I dream I tend to create a story -- crazy stories that make no sense at all. Something triggers them. For instance, take a journey with me as I relive my installment from last night. I'm sitting on a curb. A church is nearby and I'm awaiting the start of a funeral. There are others sitting next to me and many of them are taking off their shoes. I do the same. The next thing I see is the casket rolling by. At that moment, everyone gets up, puts their shoes on and they head for the entrance of the church.

I TRY to do the same, but my shoes are gone! I quickly feel around in the row of bushes (which suddenly appear, by the way) and no shoes! Everyone is gone and I hear organ music from inside the church and here I am frantically searching for my shoes. I find one brown one, a couple of kids shoes, a pair of size 13 off-colored shoes, but no dressy, black, size nines!

I make one or two trips to the entrance of the church, unable to make up my mind on whether I should go into the church, shoe-less! I decide to make one more trip to the scene of the crime. And what do I find? A maintenance man had come by on a lawnmower and had trimmed the row of bushes. The area was all raked and cleaned up...and the maintenance worker had vanished. No unruly hedges, no lawnmower, nobody around...and no shoes!

There was a Safeway nearby, so I rushed into the store, ran to the back of the establishment, talked to a clerk and explained to him my dilemma. We ran out of the store and headed down the street. The clerk said to me, "'You might be right, there's something strange about that maintenance guy.'"

The End!

Analyzing the dream: Tough to make any sense of the above. I did attend a funeral recently and I also bought a new pair of shoes last week. Other than that, I'll chalk it up to an old storyteller who might need an adjustment to his nightly medication.

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