Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Orange Flash

TOTS Senior Baseball Network

60-and-over baseball 

Carl Brutovsky, better known these days as "The Orange Flash" beats out another hit during a 60-and-over baseball game last Friday at Udall Park.

The Orange Flash has been a member of the Tucson Old Timers (TOTS) baseball club since 1999.

And just for the record, Carl turned 78 on June 11 and has been playing baseball for 70 years.

He's certainly not just a FLASH in the pan when it comes to BASEBALL!

Way to go, Carl. Keep on FLASHING!

Note: The following paragraph is from the blog of bleacher bum Conrad Royksund. His blog can be found at

It works! People tend to loose their place in sentences, reverse the logic of their own arguments, and forget to close their mouths, just looking at Carl. All Carl has to do is smash a dribbler down toward third, and the fielders, even if they pick up the ball, tend to forget what they are supposed to do with it, in their fascination for what a runaway pumpkin looks like. Carl is all business!

1 comment:

  1. You and Conrad teamed up for a wonderful description of orange and blue meeting! Go Boise State on their blue pasture.
