85-year-old Billy Heiny takes a mighty cut.
62-year-old Tim Tolson releases a throw from deep short.
A diving try by outfielder Brian Reilly, 63.
69-year-old Dan Lundwall looking to advance, while 73-year-old Arnie White, the base coach, awaits the pitcher's delivery.
76-year-old Chico Bigham makes the play.
76-year-old outfielder Bobby Stofft unleashes a throw to the cut-off man.
82-year-old Archie Burke throws to second base...
and here's Archie at the plate.
The TOTS latest rookies, #00 George Saas and...
#54 Joe Opocensky.
Photos by Conrad Royksund and Dan Price
The 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers baseball club at work at Udall Park on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Love the pics--thanks.