Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An anniversary of sorts for this old timer

Today is an anniversary of sorts for this old timer. Five years ago, I dressed for work, pulled out of the driveway, stopped at the local donut shop and chugged down a cup of coffee. A typical start to my morning. I arrived at work on time and prepared for another day as a State of Arizona employee.

By mid-morning, I was having chest pains and having a hard time breathing. I slumped to the floor and pushed my back up against the wall. Everyone came running and someone dialed 911. I was 62 years old and having a heart attack.

A week later, I was looking out the hospital window at the University Medical Center, a new member of the "zipper" society, fresh off of quadruple-bypass surgery. After a four-month recovery, I was back on the ball field. It wasn't easy at first. I couldn't walk to the mailbox, drive, or even think about exercising for the first few months, but gradually I gained my weight back (I had dropped about 25 pounds) and I got my strength back.

I've pretty much followed the doctor's orders the past five years. I take my medicine, keep my weight down and hit the ball field three to four days a week. I could hit the gym more this year. I'm a little lazy with the gym workouts.

But all in all, a successful five years.

I'm heading for the ball field this morning. If I'm lucky enough to get a hit and reach first base, I'll take my lead off and if the ball is hit in the gap, I'll put on the after-burners and go from first to third.

I'll step on the base, look up and smile and say, "Thank You, Lord."

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