Wednesday, October 6, 2010

27 Days In October...

Back in 1964, the year my first child was born, I was 19 years old and I went to see a movie called Seven Days In May. The plot involves the President of the United States as he discovers a military coup, which is being plotted by one of his Joint Chiefs and he must find a way to dismantle it. The movie stars Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Frederick March and the beautiful Ava Gardner.

Where am I going with this?

Well, it's five o'clock in the morning, so prepare yourself...there's no telling. Let's just fast forward to what I'm going to call: The 27 Days in October. Things are happening in my world of sports and at the age of 65, I'm beginning to wonder if I can keep up. This high-tech stuff leaves most of us old coots behind...and I'm certainly right in the middle of that category. I'm beginning to think I should change my nickname from "Dano" to the "Blog Hog" or the "Twitter Freak".

I find myself either playing third base or I'm sitting in a chair, pecking away at my computer. Thank goodness, I'm playing baseball three to five days a week, which allows me to turn off this old Inspiron E1505 laptop, grab my car keys and head for the ballpark.

Getting back to the 27 days in October, well that has already started...two days ago. From now til the end of the month, it's going to be all baseball for me, or let's say 90 percent baseball and 10 percent laptop. So, if you, my readers, are wondering where I'm at, well I might as well tell you ahead of time. I'll be heading off to the Men's Senior Baseball League (MSBL) World Series in just ten days. From October 17 to October 31, I'll be playing ball in Phoenix with the Tucson Golden Aces as we once again battle every old-time baseball nut from Canada to St. Thomas...from Boston and LA...from North Dakota and San Antonio, Texas.

I know it's hard to believe, but there are 300 to 400 over-the-hill ball players like me just stomping at the bit to take the field in Phoenix and go for the gold -- gold medal, that is. Actually, it's a trophy -- a slim piece of hardware, and to win it, it may take upwards of 14 to 16 games (in my case as a member of the Aces). So, what I'm trying to say: the blogging and the twittering...and my Facebook updates will have to take a backseat. At least that's my plan. Of course, I'll have my trusty old laptop with me, so chances are you'll hear from me now and then.

Why? Because the 27 days of October is filled with stuff to write about: The MLB playoffs and the "real" World Series; the Arizona Wildcats; Fantasy Football; the NFL, well you get the idea.

As you may have already figured out, I'm on my third cup of coffee this morning. I'll talk to you later. It's six o'clock and I play baseball in two hours!

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