Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Pardon me. I've never been down this road...


I'm living in a new age.

Pardon me. I've never been down this road.

I'm another year older and I've never been this far before.

Not sure how to act. But what else is new? I've never been good at that. In fact, I'm still not sure if this is Act 1, or Act II...or Act III. 

I'm so old...I'm using Roman numerals.

It seems like it was just the other day I was walking down the road with Opie and Andy Griffith. Of course, that wasn't the other day...that was in 1960!

That was back when my favorite Western was Hondo...and some bigger than life character named John Wayne was clearing the mountainside of the bad guys...or was it the desert? Tend to get my movie scenes mixed up -- a minor problem for a senior citizen who can, if so inclined, live life on the Grit channel.

Sorry. Most of my readers know I'm joking. So, if you are a newbie, don't worry, I'm not en route to see Diehard 3...or is it III?

Instead, I'm enjoying my days as a senior citizen. Went to the movies the other day. It was three dollars to get in...three bucks for popcorn and three bucks for a soda. Seems as though the movie industry needs a pick-me-up and get the viewers back in the seats...or, if you are a senior citizen, into those comfortable seats that lean back and allow for a snooze if the flick isn't up to par.

The movie, by the way, is called Bullet Train and the nonstop action is headed up by the current heart throb himself Brad Pitt...with a couple of cameo appearances from Michael Shannon, Bad Bunny and Sandra Bullock.

If you are wondering who Bad Bunny is...well it's time for you seniors out there to start googling. I'll give you a clue: he's not the Easter Bunny.

Sadly, I went home, tuned in the Grit channel and watched The Last Sunset with Kirk Douglas, Rock Hudson and Dorothy Malone.

See, I'm still not sure which act of life I'm in. Fortunately, I can still dabble in both.

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