Sunday, September 11, 2022

Albert passes A-Rod...Judge stuck on 55...TOTS' Palmer at 102

The Home Run Boys -- 2 Pros, 1 local amateur

from the desk of Dan Price

Reed Palmer, the reigning career home leader for the 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers,  hit a homer in August and two round-trippers so far in September and sits on 102 career home runs.

His towering assaults on the trees beyond the right field fence at Tucson Udall Park continues as the TOTS' 2022 season continues on until December 31.

The Pros: Aaron Judge knocked in a run today and recorded one hit and still remains at 55 home runs for the season, while Sir Albert Pujols cranked another one today in Pittsburgh -- a two-run shot -- to sail by A-Rod and become No. 4 all-time in Major League Baseball with 697 career home runs.

The middle of September is upon us and October is not far away.

What a time to be a baseball fan -- a local home run hitter at Udall Park and the real deal: the two men out to make history with one swing of the bat.

It's so much fun. I kinda wish the 2022 season would never end. But what else is new. I never want a baseball season to end.

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