Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Carl Schwanbeck's amazing TOTS baseball photos

Tucson Old Timers (TOTS)

60-and-over baseball

The TOTS new photographer -- Carl Schwanbeck

Photos: from top to bottom -- 1) Lefty Dennis "the Menace" Crowley, 2) Sam Dean, 3) Mark "Sparky" Rupert, 4) Rippin' Reed Palmer, 5) Thunder Tim Tolson, 6) Chuck Sabalos, 7) Pistol Pete Peters, 8) Danny "Pigpen" Price, 9) Pete Maldonado, 10) Jesse Ochoa, 11) Gary Cuttler and, 12, a disappointed Pigpen Price, after an 0 for 3 day. 


  1. It’s ‘Sparky’ if anyone cares…

  2. Changed it, Spanky. I mean Sparky.
