Thursday, November 4, 2021

An early-morning fireside chat

 Pigpen Price's thoughts on an eye-catching... Rocky Mountain November morning.

As this old codger logs in his first ten days as a new resident of Parachute, Colorado, it's a given I have so much to learn. 

Turning a "desert rat" into a winterized Rocky Mountain humanoid capable of "fitting in" amongst the wonderful people of this oasis -- an oasis located two-hundred miles west of Denver on a straight...well not so straight shot down I-70 -- will take some time.  

The local folks advise "we see sunshine three-hundred plus days a year" and yes I have been warned the first snow fall is just around the corner, but what strikes me the most thus far, other than the obvious scenic eye-catching landscape that changes like numerous clicks of a digital camera -- not one frame seems to be the same --is the people...all relaxed happy individuals ready to meet their day with a smile on their face.

At least this newcomer sees it that way. I take nothing for granted anymore as I begin my day in a new land void of cacti and those hot summer days. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss Tucson, Arizona and my many friends, and family, who live there and enjoy the Southwest Desert landscape and all it has to offer with its own scenic beauty, majestic purple mountain ranges and open spaces from the grasslands of Sonoita to the south to the tip of Mt. Lemmon to the north, 9,159  ft., straight up.

Photos: 1. Down by the Colorado River in Parachute. 2. A golf course in the Battlement Mesa area within walking distance from my new residence. 3. The majestic highway en route to the top of Mt. Lemmon in Tucson. 4-5. The grasslands of Soniota, 45 minutes south of Tucson. 6. Pigpen Price otherwise known as the new "Colorado Kid." 

How can a human being love both? There's an easy answer: you can.


Stay tuned...

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