Monday, April 6, 2020

My library

To all my readers:

Ninety percent of my followers are local, after all it says at the top of my blog: A forum for the old-timers in Tucson who still play sports for the love of the game.

I have branched out somewhat, at last count from blogger I have reached over a quarter of a million views, if you will. That's not really a record-setting number, not even close. Unfortunately, my blog is not set up as a moneymaker. I do not sell advertising or figure out a way to make a buck from my blog posts. Instead, I have kept on plugging since 2009, having fun and getting a response or two every week from some of my diehard readers.

With the coronavirus still in attack mode, we find ourselves at home hour after hour, looking for things to pass the time. So, I have done my part. My five fiction books are now on my blog. The Dancer, The Loner, The Legend of Bucket Smith and both of my middle-reader baseball books, Billy's Victory and The Return of Johnny Dugan, are now available to you -- my donation to the cause, so to speak.

Just remember if you read them, you'll need to arrow down and find the beginning of each book and read upwards until you get to the last installment, entitled the "rest of the story." Or, from my home page, move to the right and under Blog Archive, scroll down, search for the book...find the beginning, the middle chapters and the end of the story. You can read to your hearts content on a smartphone, on a laptop, on a computer and a few other devices.

Except for The Loner. For some reason my trusty old computer let get the entire book with one fell swoop.

If you are a fast reader you can speed through my books in less than two hours. The books are not long and each one of them moves at a fast pace. There are characters galore in all the books from an 11-year-old hero named Billy Ray Reynolds in Billy's Victory, to three adult heroes: Royce Reirdon in The Loner, to Johnny Dugan in a sequel to Billy's Victory, to a sheriff in The Legend of Bucket Smith and finally to Johnny Fallon in the romantic fiction book, The Dancer.

The Dancer and the Legend of Bucket Smith can be found in the April/2020 archives and the remaining three can be found in the March/2020 archives.

Happy reading!

Note: And by the way, if you're on the internet and you're a new follower, just google bookemdanosports and save me in your library -- on your favorites list. That's all there is to it. My blog has been around for 11 years and I'm nearing the 4,000 mark in post with my wisdom and meaningless information.

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