Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This Tiger thing...hurts

It'll never be the same along the fairways again.

Oh, the crowds will be there every time Tiger Woods approaches a ball and eyes the green. And there will be that familiar roar when he hits one of his gorgeous approach shots. What will be different is how his fans will look at him as he walks up the fairway. The fans will eye Tiger and wonder why. Why could he have done this? All that money...all that glory...and all that talent, wasted.

If you're a Tiger fan it hurts and I suppose if you're not a fan, then you'll enjoy all the jokes. Kobe Bryant has lived through it and still has success on the basketball court. But the money thing alone, it is just not close in comparison. Tiger is practically an institution...Kobe is simply a very good basketball player that makes millions. Tiger makes billions before he even tees up for a drive.

Another writer would follow the above sentence up with: Watch out for fire hydrants. Not me, not now...not ever. This is a sad turn of events...even if one quarter of it turns out to be true. In the future, we will not see an asterisk by Tiger's records. We won't need that mark or footnote to dissect Tiger's accomplishments. We won't have that luxury. We, like Tiger, will have to live with this for a long time. Unfortunately, it'll be Tiger Woods who has to walk up the fairway with the world watching.

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