Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the year 2010...

In the year 2010...wow!

It's finally here...just a few weeks away. Flashback...It was close to 47 years ago and I remember taking a peek at my new driver's license as I exited the MVD. I was a bubbly teenager and I was eying the expiration date on my Arizona license.

In the right hand corner it read: good until my 65th birthday...July 2, 2010. I said out loud, "Wow, that's a lifetime away." My goodness, how quickly the years have gone by. I think back and try to recall that stretch of road that led me from a know-it-all teenager to a know-nothing adult.

All those twists and turns along the way. It certainly wasn't a yellow brick road and I can't remember spending a lot of time in Kansas. Dorothy certainly had an adventure, as for me, well, somehow I've come out on the other end, still standing.

I went on a five-mile walk this morning. There's a pond a short distance from the house and beyond the pond a forest with a path that weaves by dozens of tall, eucalyptus trees and hundreds of mesquite trees. The ducks were swirling around on the surface of the pond. The sun was creeping up over the Rincon Mountains. Hawks were echoing through the forest as they scurried from one giant tree to the next. As I continued on my jaunt, I thought to myself: Would I have noticed any of those things 47 years ago?

 Probably not.

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