Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What's an old man to do in such trying times?

A covid-19 update (It's been a few months since one of my priceless updates)

No pun intended. Well, maybe so.

The numbers are now staggering. Nine months have come and gone. Six weeks are left in 2020. Good riddance! The year 2021 may be more of the same. Let's hope for a vaccine soon.

It feels like many of us are heading for a quarantine once again...well, self quarantine, as we all do our best to get through the day. Some are risk takers, but many are not and those individuals settle for a trip outside to feed the dog or the cat... or grab the daily newspaper...and that's it. Heck you can get the groceries delivered, if you want to take it a step further. Of course, most people apply a mask to their face and get on with the grocery shopping. It could work to your advantage if there is a certain someone you'd rather not run into.

Anything but tune in to the cable news channels. As for us old people! In my case, I'm 75 years of age and the news channels predict my demise sooner than later. Until then, it's full speed ahead for Pigpen Price, that's a nickname bestowed on me by teammates many years ago. As you can see my name is Dan Price. I'm not the only Dan Price in the world. I know for a fact at least two authors by the same name and it does get confusing from time to time. I even have a son named Dan Price and a grandson named Dan Price, although we refer to him as Daniel Price. Enough of that. I have, as a hobby, found a way to get five of my books out amongst the English. I heard that in a movie once. It was called Witness and the star was Harrison Ford. Of course, I'm no Hemingway and I no longer wait for royalty checks to show up in my mailbox. Occasional, but I give away most of my masterpieces, anyway. So if you're so inclined take a stroll at the Kindle store...my books are all on Amazon. The Loner is probably my best effort...and maybe my book, Billy's Victory, for the younger set. You can pick all five up for less than $20.00. As I said, I had a day job. No worries. As you can see in the video clips below, I love baseball, the Arizona sun...and writing. I love to dance, but with covid-19 and all, dance partners are kinda scarce. My old-timers baseball team keeps me busy. In Arizona, you can play year around. That's if you can find twenty guys over the age of 60 who are willing to band together and play America's Favorite Pastime. And we have no problem there. We have 45 active members.The Tucson Old Timers have been around since 1968. Heck I've played with the amateur organization for 13 years. I'm now an old-timer in an old-timer's league. I'm not sure, but if I couldn't venture to our home field at Tucson Udall Park three times a week and play baseball for two to three hours at a time, then chances are I just might be ready to check with Jack Nicholson and fly over the cuckoo's nest and be done with it. Just kidding. I have too much to do. Besides playing baseball and writing books, I'm ready to open a mask business. Once again, just kidding. And, I'm learning how to do videos on YouTube. If a 75-year-old broken down sportswriter (I did that for a living, too) can do it, anyone can! As you can see in the videos, playing and existing in Arizona is not too bad. Once in a while, a two-day trip to the beaches in California will do wonders for your mind and body. Yes, 2020, is good for some people who have no need for eye glasses, but as a year, it sucks, so my advice: stay busy. This too will pass.

In the photo below, I'm trying out my new headphones. Someone just came on the air with a news flash. It's been discovered if gray haired men wear headphones for six hours a day, they'll miss most of the daily news on the cable channels...and will get a good night's sleep.

I paid less than fifty dollars for the headset and accessories. Maybe I'll save some money in the long run and throw away the sleeping pills.

Good night, to all my fans. There are still a few of you out there.

We will get to the rest of the story tomorrow.

I've always wanted to use Paul Harvey's line: "and now for the rest of the story."

We lost Mr. Harvey in 2009. Most of my readers remember him. I'm sure.

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