Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sittin' with Lute

Saddled with jury duty and a three-week plus virus, I've been away from the ball field since the first week of January. Thank goodness my service in the jury box is over as a decision and a verdict was reached on Tuesday. Now it's back to the real world.

I've been overdue for a haircut. I was beginning to look like Don King connected to an electrical outlet, so this morning I headed for my favorite barbershop, the El Continental. The shop has been around for close to 50 years. I remember as a teenager, I'd walk the mile or so from my house to the El Con Shopping Center to get my sideburns raised and my hair trimmed.

It's hard to believe, but the same barbers are still around and are still getting the job done. The shop has moved and is now near the intersection of Speedway and Country Club, but it's not uncommon to run into the mayor, a city councilman or even someone you went to high school with at the shop -- all getting what hair they have left cut and trimmed.

Sitting in the barber chair next to me today was the man himself, Coach Lute Olson. We have a few things in common with our hairdos, although my hair may have a slight salt and pepper look to it. Coach Olson's hair looked as good as ever when he left his chair and I have to admit my "do" looked pretty good as well.

Olson's white locks always seem to stay in place, mine on the other hand, will be messed up by the next gust of wind.

Our commonality ends there. Once in the parking lot, I got into my four-year old Mitsubishi Galant, while Coach Olson slid into his new Lexus.

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