Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A-Rod's fast track to the Majors...

I just finished reading Selena Roberts' book: A-Rod, The Many Lives of Alex Rodriquez. 

It was Roberts who broke the news in Sports Illustrated in February, 2009, that Rodriquez, the highest paid player in the history of baseball, used performance-enhancing drugs during his 2003 season with the Texas Rangers.

Chances are we will never know the whole true story of A-Rod's involvement with steroids, unless he decides to sit down in front of the whole world like Mark McGwire did recently, and spill the beans up close and personal.

The man has 583 home runs. The first round-tripper he hits in 2010 will put him one home run ahead of McGwire -- and eighth on the all-time list. Amazing! And he's just 34 years old.

Roberts paints a pretty sad picture in her 255-page book. If half of what she printed is true then the baseball world should be crying out for an asterisk to be posted alongside his HR totals. Roberts even goes so far as to insinuate that A-Rod may have used some form of steroids in high school. The way he clobbered home runs in his prep days at Westminster Christian High in Miami, Florida, it is a wonder his prep opponents from his senior season in 1993 aren't yelling out for an asterisk or two themselves.

A-Rod was born July 27, 1975. A-Rod's debut in the major leagues with the Seattle Mariners was on July 8, 1994. Talk about a fast track to the majors! Rodriquez boarded the professional baseball train early...and the A-Rod Express has been gathering speed ever since.

In fact, there's hundreds of box cars attached to the engine, and they are carrying nothing but that green! His latest contract with the Yankees is worth over $275 million. When the A-Rod Express reaches its destination, chances are Rodriquez will have all the money in the world and all the fame he can handle. If nothing else, that should allow him the luxury of dismissing all the stories, all the tabloids and all the books written about him in a negative light.

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