Friday, August 13, 2021

A dog named Wrigley

Tucson Old Timers (TOTS)

60-and-over baseball


Dave Byars, 73, has been a member of the 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers (TOTS) since 2017, and like most of the members of the amateur baseball organization, Dave can be found on the ball field three days a week at Udall Park playing America's Favorite Pastime. 

When Dave is not playing baseball, chances are he's shuffling grandchildren around town or he's taking care of matters at home along with his wife, Nancy, who recently retired from the phone company.

Recently they lost their dog, Lakota. The Byars inherited Lakota seven years ago from a family who had named him after the Native American Sioux Indian tribe -- the tribe that took down Custer and his calvary.

Dave isn't sure why the family settled on the name Lakota, but Dave and Nancy loved the name and didn't consider changing it. Lakota became a big part of the Byars' family.

There was now a big spot to fill in the Byars' home. It didn't take long for a visit to the Pima Animal Control Center and a sleepy-eyed, black and white fury little thing, less than a year old, entered the Byars'  home for the first time.

Of course, this time Dave and Nancy would need to come up with a name. This dog surely didn't come from anyone with an Indian tribe connection and besides they had a special name in mind.

Luckily, Nancy was from Chicago and a Cubs fan, while Dave, a Tucson boy who just happened to be an Ernie Banks fan -- the Hall of Fame infielder who played for the Cubs from 1953 to 1971.

Well,  I guess Ernie was out of the question for a name.

So, they named the new addition, Wrigley, after Wrigley Field, of course.

Someday soon, Dave and Nancy will add another four-legged critter to their home.

Want to take a guess at a name? You'll probably never guess.


The Byars' family must have a story behind that one, too.

Photos: Dave Byars in action at Udall…and Wrigley at Udall Park today.

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