Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Like a Rock

Lately, I've been into Bob Seger's songs. 

After all, it stands to reason. We both recently turned 79.

There are many singers I can relate to. Seger is exceptional, and his songs stand the test of time. My playlist is filled with a diverse group of artists: some country, some rock, a heck of a lot of blues, and, of course, the music from the 60s from not only Seger but just about any artist who can take me away from it all for three minutes at a time.

George Jones could do it. Of course, he is gone now.

Seger can get me thinking back to where it all began.

My favorite songs are "Like a Rock," "Turn the Page," and "Against the Wind."

I'm not sure I was ever a rock. If I ever was, I certainly have enough chips on my torso to prove that, if anything, I was a fragile one. I've indeed turned my share of pages, and I know for a fact that I've been against the wind for a good portion of my life. Fortunately, I no longer run anywhere except to first base if I ever get a hit on my 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers team.

My teammates keep me grounded when they say: "You call that running!"

Alan Jackson is another singer who can take me back in time. One song in particular is "Remember When."

I certainly remember when!

There are some things I would like to do before I become an Octogenarian.

I would love to walk along the beach again. It's been a while.

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