Tuesday, June 4, 2024

TOTS: Thunder continues to roll!

Tucson Old Timers (TOTS)

60-and-over baseball

Thunder Tim Tolson, 71, continues to roll as the 60-and-over Tucson Old Timers top hitter this summer.

Tolson, who was already making waves in April with 22 hits, unleashed his full power in May, smashing the TOTS' pitching for a staggering 32 hits. He stepped up to the plate 46 times and maintained a jaw-dropping .696 batting average. 

Not too far behind was Joe Opocensky, 74, who went 29 for 42, a .690 average. Opocensky and Tolson tied for the most runs scored for the month with 22 apiece.

Randy Livingston, 66, Ken Nebesny, 67, and Ernesto Escala, 72, followed in hits; Livingston went 20 for 33, while Nebesny went 19 for 40, and Escala finished the month 19 for 37, while topping the chart in RBI with 24.

In the super senior's division (75-and-over), Danny "Pigpen" Price led the way with 13 hits in 37 trips to the plate, a .351 batting average. David Byars (12 for 36) and Bob Daliege (11 for 29) were close behind.

The TOTS maintained a .404 batting average as a club, with 337 hits in 834 at-bats.

On the mound, Daliege (38) and Livingston (39) hurled the most innings, with both pitchers maintaining 2-2 won-loss records. Opocensky was the strikeout king for the month with 13 K's. He pitched 27 innings and finished with the best won-loss record at 4-1.

Way to go, TOTS!

 Thunder Tim Tolson (above photo) led the TOTS in hits for the month of May with 32.

Danny "Pigpen" Price (photo above) led the TOTS' super seniors (75-and-over) with 13 hits in May.

Joe Opocensky (above photo) was the strikeout king in May for the TOTS with 13 while maintaining a won-loss record of 4-1.


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