Monday, May 11, 2020

A Beautiful morning in the Old Pueblo

My early morning thoughts...

It's May 11, 2020 and I will not even bother to go back in time and count the days the world has battled this coronavirus. What is sad for me to publish is the latest tally in deaths in the USA. The latest tally 80,787 deaths and 1,367,963 cases. And who knows how accurate those counts are. The count is climbing...and climbing.

Here in the Old Pueblo, better known as Tucson, Arizona, it is a beautiful morning. I'm on my patio punching away on my new laptop. My old laptop burnt up after 10 years of use.

I called a local business and made a reservation to come into the store. With the appointment safely in the books, I headed to my destination. I pulled my Mustang up to the store, followed the cones and pulled up curbside and was quickly greeted by an employee. I parked the car, put on my mask and was escorted to a knowledgeable fella ( also a masked man). As I battled my breathing through my new apparatus, which covered my nose all the way down to my chin, we walked quickly to the computer side of the store.

Within 30 minutes, I was out the door with my brand new MacBook Air laptop.

Wow! One more fire put out and I'm back in business. It was a scary moment for me because having my own laptop (in working order) is similar to having your favorite poodle in your lap or better yet a  bigger dog that actually loves you more than many of your relatives.

With all five of my books done (redone) and alive and well on the internet, I can focus on real life for a change. After all five of my books are fiction and I can get lost somewhere in Chapter 4 or 5 (when I'm working on them)...and be in another world for as long as I like.

At any rate, I looked at my driver's license this morning and discovered I'm running out of time. I turn 75 in July and the MVD doors are locked. At least, I think they are. The rumor is, I'm allowed an extension to get my license renewed.

I'll check it out and see what needs to be done. Then there's the other thing: We are supposed to get a travel ID card to replace our regular license. I'm not even going to go there right now. I'm not sure I have my birth certificate handy, after all I was born in 1945, back when no one cared if you had a driver's license or not.

Well, let's get back to this beautiful morning. Our pool is closed because of the coronavirus, so I'm setting here on the patio, listening to cars go by on Sabino Canyon Road.

It seems like everything is normal. It's six o'clock in the morning and I've been up for two hours and I assume the folks flying by in their vehicles are heading for work...or maybe they are heading north, four miles or so, to go walking or hiking in the canyon.

Everything seems normal. Right?

We all know there's nothing normal anymore.

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